06/12/2012 -
European Authorities: European Court of human rights
Classificazione: Freedoms - Justice - Art. 47 Right to be advised, defended, and represented - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty)
The decision on the obligation on lawyers of the so called declaration of suspicion on their clients possible unlawful activities as part of the European drive to combat money laundering which is deemed to be ...
06/12/2012 -
National Courts: Supreme Courts (Belgium) - Cour Constitutionnelle
Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 6 Personal liberty - Art. 7 Privacy - Art. 10 Freedom of thought - Freedom of conscience - Freedom of religion - Art. 11 Freedom of expression - Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination - Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty)
The Constitutional Court rejects the claim lodged pursuant to constitutional norms the ECHR and the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights against the law of June which prohibits the use in public places of clothes ...
07/11/2012 -
National Courts: Supreme Courts (Croazia) - Ustavni sud
Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty) - Proportionality of penalties
The Ustavni sud found the partial constitutional illegitimacy of the Act on the prevention of conflict of interest APCI recalling the jurisprudence of the Court of Strasbourg ...
28/08/2012 -
National Courts: Supreme Courts (Portugal) - Tribunal Constitucional
Classificazione: Solidarity - Art. 35 Preventive health care - Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty)
The Tribunal Constitucional stated the constitutional illegitimacy of some norms of the Law of the Autonomous Region of Madeira of June which adopts norms for the protection of the citizens and measures for the reduction ...
19/07/2012 -
National Courts: Supreme Courts (Belgium) - Cour Constitutionnelle
Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty) - Proportionality of penalties
The Cour Constitutionnelle in the matter of principle of legality and proportionality of the sanction applies the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice ...
10/07/2012 -
European Authorities: European Court of human rights
Classificazione: Freedoms - Art. 6 Personal liberty - Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty)
The decision on the unlawfulness of the detention extended by the retroactive application of a change in the case-law adopted by the Supreme Court ...
02/07/2012 -
National Courts: Supreme Courts (Spain) - Tribunal Constitucional
Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty)
The Tribunal Constitucional quashes the sanctions against an undertaking because based on a law deemed in contrast with the norms of the Treaty of the European Community today the Treaty on the Functioning of the ...
28/06/2012 -
European Authorities: Euopean Union' Court of Justice
Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty)
According to the Court a pharmacist who is also authorized under domestic law to operate as a wholesaler in medicinal product has to obtain authorization for the wholesale distribution required under Directive EC on the ...
25/06/2012 -
Decision 11-182
Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty)
The Supreme Court has partially quashed Arizona s law on immigration saving nevertheless the norm which allows to check the status of a person in case there is reasonable suspicion of his being an illegal ...
07/06/2012 -
European Authorities: European Court of human rights
Classificazione: Justice - Art. 49 Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty)
The decision in the matter of preventive detention ordered following a decision of a German Court deemed in breach of article ...