Notes & Comments (27/06/2008) - The right to privacy between Constitution and ordinary legislation
Title: The right to privacy between Constitution and ordinary legislation
Date: 06/27/2008
Subject: Considering the right to privacy as a “new right” is partly wrong, since a theory on the right to privacy had already been formulated at the end of the last century; however, already since the 1700’s some elements contained in this complex right appear. The designation of “new right” is surely appropriate if one considers the inclusion of this right in constitutional texts. Indeed, most of the States which have adopted a new constitution in the last decade (or have amended it thoroughly) have included the right to privacy among constitutionally protected rights; on the contrary, States of Western Europe – which have the oldest constitutions – have recognized the juridical value of privacy, but have given it a statute through ordinary law
Original language: Italian
Classification: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy