Case Law U-II-1/09-9 (05/05/2009)
Type: Judgment
Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (Slovenia) - Ustavno Sodišče
Date: 05/05/2009
Subject: The Ustavno Sodišče judges on the possible consequences of constitutional legitimacy, which could follow from the non implementation, or from the refusal through a referendum, of the Act Amending the Lawyers Act. According to the Court, which also applies the Court of Strasbourg and the Court of Justice’s jurisprudence, the defeat or the suspension of the law under exam would damage the right to legal protection and to defence, which are not effectively protected by the law now in force.
Parties: National Assembly
Original language: Slovenian
Classification: Justice - Art. 47 Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal - Art. 48 Rights of defence