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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Notes & Comments (24/02/2008) - Human Dignity in the Portuguese Constitutional law

Title: Human Dignity in the Portuguese Constitutional law

Date: 02/24/2008

Subject: The Portuguese Constitution expressly states the principle of human dignity in its art. 1, according to which: “Portugal is a sovereign Republic, founded on human dignity and on the people’s will and it is committed for the building of a free, just and sympathetic society”. The Portuguese Constitutional case law’s caution (and thriftiness) is certainly significant, not only with regard to the definition of the principle, but also to the consideration of its normative and enforcing importance.

Original language: Italian

Classification: Dignity - Art. 4 Torture - Inhuman punishments - Degrading punishments - Inhuman treatments - Degrading treatments - General provisions - Art. 52 Scope of guaranteed rights

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