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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Notes & Comments (02/04/2020) - Comment on the decision of the Court of Justice of 4.3.2020 in the case Telecom, with regard to the relation between the supranational legal system and national res iudicata

Title: Comment on the decision of the Court of Justice of 4.3.2020 in the case Telecom, with regard to the relation between the supranational legal system and national res iudicata

Date: 04/02/2020

Subject: The Author comments on the decision of the European Union Court of Justice of 4 March 2020, case n. C‑34/19, according to which a national decision become final cannot be modified, not even if in contrast with Union law: the only possibility is a request for compensation

Original language: Italian

Classification: General provisions - Art. 51 Scope

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