Other Decisions 3:14-cv-01253-PG (08/03/2016)
Authority: United States District Court District of Puerto Rico (USA)
Date: 03/08/2016
Subject: The decision of the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, confirmed the constitutional legitimacy of the norms of the Civil Code, which prohibit same-sex marriages: according to the Court, the introduction of fundamental rights in Porto Rico through the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, is not, unlike other American States, an automatic process and, therefore, the principles stated in the decision of the case Obergefell vs Hodges are not applied in such Territory
Parties: Ada Conde Vidal, et al. v. Alejandro Garcia-Padilla, et al.
Original language: English
Classification: Freedoms - Art. 9 Right to marry - Equality - Art. 20 Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination