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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Other Acts P6_TA-PROV (2013)0322 (04/07/2013)

Type: Acts of the European Union: European Parliament Resolution on the US National Security Agency surveillance programme, surveillance bodies in various Member States and their impact on EU citizens' privacy

Authority: European Authorities - European Union: European Parliament

Date: 07/04/2013

Subject: The European Parliament expresses, while confirming its ongoing support for transatlantic efforts in the fight against terrorism and organised crime, serious concern over PRISM and other such programmes, since, should the information available up to now be confirmed, they may entail a serious violation of the fundamental right of EU citizens and residents to privacy and data protection, as well as of the right to private and family life, the confidentiality of communications, the presumption of innocence, freedom of expression, freedom of information, and the freedom to conduct business; moreover, the European Parliament calls on the Commission and the US authorities to resume, without delay, the negotiations on the framework agreement on the protection of personal data when transferred and processed for police and judicial cooperation purposes; calls on the Commission, during these negotiations, to make sure that the agreement meets at least the following criteria: granting EU citizens the right to information when their data is processed in the US, ensuring that EU citizens' access to the US judicial system is equal to that enjoyed by US citizens, granting the right to redress, in particolar.

Classification: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Art. 8 Personal data: fairly processing - Personal data: consent - Personal data: access - Personal data: rectification - Personal data: independent authority

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