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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Other Acts COM (2009)263 (10/06/2009)

Type: Acts of the European Union: European Commission Communication on the evaluation of the Hague programme and action plan

Authority: European Authorities - European Union: European Commission

Date: 06/10/2009

Subject: The Commission underlines that there have been considerable advances towards realising many of the ambitions set out in the Hague Programme, concerning the Area of freedom, security and Justice. Nevertheless, progress in certain areas remains limited. This uneven progress can be to a large extent explained by the unique challenges faced by the JLS area: a relatively young acquis, an insufficient role of the European Parliament in certain policy areas, a limited jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice and a limited competence of the Commission to bring infringement, and the requirement for unanimity for decision-making in several areas. According to the Commission, it is necessary to improve cross-cutting approaches, to assure continuity and consistency between internal and external European justice, freedom and security policies and to provide more robust and systematic monitoring and evaluation systems.

Classification: General theme

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