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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law X/477/2021 (07/12/2021)

Type: Decision

Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (Hungary) - Alkotmánybírósága (Ungheria)

Date: 12/07/2021

Subject: The decision of the Alkotmánybírósága (Constitutional Court), which, in the matter of the interpretation of articles E (2) and XIV (4) of the Constitution with regard the implementation of the decision of the Court of Justice in the case Commission vs Hungary (C-808/18) of 17.12.2020, established that where the joint exercise of competences deriving from the participation of the State to the European Union is not complete, Hungary has the right to exercise any competence which is not exclusive of the European Union until the EU institutions adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the effectiveness of such joint exercise

Parties: Minister of Justice

Original language: English

Classification: General theme

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