Case Law 393/2006 (23/10/2006)
Type: Judgment
Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (Italy) - Corte Costituzionale
Date: 10/23/2006
Subject: More favourable statutes of limitation for crimes than at the time the crime was committed. A provision which unreasonably limits the principle of retrospectivity of the more favourable law is constitutionally unlawful. Reference is made to art. 49 of the Nice Charter in support of the judgment "since it contains principles common to European legal orders".
Original language: Italian
Classification: Art. 49 Criminal Law - Principles of legality (nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege; lighter penalty) - Favor rei - Irretroactivity of criminal law
Notices: Effectiveness of the Charter
Citation of art. 49 of Nice Charter, "since it contains principles common to European legal orders".