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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law 299943 (06/06/2008)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (France) - Conseil d’État

Date: 06/06/2008

Subject: The Council of State has quashed the provisions of an order (of 26 September 2006) of the Ministry of Justice, which provided the exclusion from public exams for the access to the penitentiary administration of all applicants suffering from “evolutive disease”, who had access to long period sick leaves, without considering case by case the health situation at the moment of the exam, or the existence of treatments able to cure or to stop the evolution of the disease.

Parties: Union Generale des Syndacats Penitentiaires Cgt

Original language: French

Classification: Equality - Art. 20 Equality - Art. 26 Rights of the disabled

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