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Case Law ICC-01/05-01/08 (21/06/2016)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts Trial Chamber III of the International Criminal Court

Date: 06/21/2016

Subject: The decision of the Trial Chamber III of the International Criminal Court, established the sanction in the case The Prosecutor vs Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, after the sentence had been issued on 21 March 2016: the Court sentenced the accused, former President of the Mouvement de Libération du Congo (“MLC”) and Commander-in-Chief of the Armée de Libération du Congo (“ALC”), to 18 years’ imprisonment for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed between 26 October 2002 and 15 March 2003 in the Central African Republic

Parties: The Prosecutor v. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo

Original language: English

Classification: Dignity - Art. 2 Right to life - Art. 3 Physical and mental integrity - Art. 4 Torture - Inhuman punishments - Degrading punishments - Inhuman treatments - Degrading treatments - Freedoms - Art. 6 Personal liberty - Personal security

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