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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law U-I-65/13-19 (03/07/2014)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (Slovenia) - Ustavno Sodišče

Date: 07/03/2014

Subject: The Ustavno Sodišče, in the light of the jurisprudence of the Courts of Strasbourg and Luxembourg, stated the constitutional illegitimacy of article 163 of the Electronic Communications Act (which implemented Directive 2006/24/EC, “Data Retention Directive”), which expressly provided that operators of electronic communications had to retain data and all articles connected, for the violation of the right to personal data protection. With the order of 26 September 2013 the Court suspended the examination of the proceeding, pending the decision of the Court of Justice within the joined cases C-293/12 and C-594/12 Digital Rights Ireland Ltd. vs Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources and others and Kärntner Landesregierung and others

Parties: Information Commissioner

Original language: English

Classification: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Art. 8 Personal data: fairly processing - Personal data: consent - Personal data: access - Personal data: rectification

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