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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law - (20/09/2007)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts: Merit's Courts (Italy) - Corte di Appello di Roma

Date: 09/20/2007

Subject: In the light of the community directive and of the Charter of Nice, the objective reasons that justify the apposition of a term of validity on an employment contract must be specified – even for the first contract - with regard to the real situation and cannot be substituted by abstract and generic hypothesis. The violation of such principle implies the transformation of that contract in one without time limit

Original language: Italian

Classification: Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination - Solidarity - Art. 31 Working conditions: healthy - Working conditions: safe - Working conditions: dignified

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Notices: Effectiveness of the Charter
The decision recalls the Charter of Nice and the most recent decisions of the Court of Justice regarding its effectiveness