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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law ÚS 1403/09 (19/04/2010)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (Czeck Republic) - Ústavní soud

Date: 04/19/2010

Subject: The Ústavní soud, also recalling the European legislation and in particular the Charter of Fundamental Rights, quashes the decision issued by the Regional Court in the case Hradec Králové, which had rejected a petition for a local referendum aiming at the constitution of a new municipality, following a strict interpretation of the law

Parties: Přípravný výbor pro konání referenda o oddělení Březhradu od statutárního města Hradce Králové (The Preparatory Committee for Holding a Referendum on the Separation of Březhrad from the Statutory City of Hradec Králové)

Original language: Czeck

Classification: Citizens’ rights - Art. 40 Right to vote at municipal elections - Right to stand as candidate at municipal elections

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