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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law 2-BVE (03/07/2007)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts Bundesvervassungsgericht

Date: 07/03/2007

Subject: The participation to the prosecution of the ISAF Mission (International Security Assistance Force) carried out by Nato in Afghanistan to enforce the present Government, according to the decision of the Bundestag (Parliament) of the 9 March 2007, does not violate the constitutional principles of peace and security promotion and keeping in the whole world (art.24, par. 2 G.G.); it doesn’t violate either the respect of international commitments, subscribed and formally transposed in the federal legal system (art. 59, par. 2, G.G.).

Original language: German

Classification: General provisions - Art. 53 Level of protection

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