Transnational detachment and wage dumping in the European Union
01/06/2017 -
Giovanni Orlandini
Classificazione: Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination - Solidarity - Art. 31 Working conditions: healthy - Working conditions: safe - Working conditions: dignified
Is the directive on detachment able to fight against wage dumping in the European Union ...
Europe’s renewed sense of purpose
18/05/2017 -
Mario Draghi
Classificazione: General theme
The relaunch of the European Project in a speech in Tel Aviv ...
Alike in diversity or strangers to ourselves? Considerations on the prohibition of discrimination between norms and practices
12/05/2017 -
Lucia Tria
Classificazione: Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination
Some considerations on non discrimination between norms jurisprudence and practices ...
27/04/2017 -
Paolo Caretti
Classificazione: General provisions - Art. 51 Scope
The introduction to the Conference on the Implementation of EU Law in Member States held in Bolzano on April We thank Rivista Osservatorio for help with sources ...
The European response to terrorism in current times: lawmakers and judges
27/04/2017 -
Giovanna De Minico
Classificazione: Justice
What has been Europe s response to terrorism and the role of the legal system We thank Rivista Osservatorio for help with sources ...
The implementatio of EU law in the recent period: the law on European transposition and the law on compliance with EU obligations in light of application practices
27/04/2017 -
Monica Rosini
Classificazione: General provisions - Art. 51 Scope
A study on the implementation of EU law in Italy We thanks Rivista Osservatorio for help with sources ...
Subsidiary power and right of redress: interactions, adjustments, and limits. In search of effectiveness
27/04/2017 -
Marta Tomasi
Classificazione: General provisions - Art. 51 Scope
The effectiveness of EU law in relation to regional laws We thank Rivista Osservatorio for help with sources ...
L’ordre constitutionnel français et l’ordre constitutionnel Ue. Guerre des constitutuions, guerre des juges?
27/04/2017 -
Franck Laffaille
Classificazione: General provisions - Art. 51 Scope
Is there conflict between the French constitutional system and that of the EU We thank Rivista Osservatorio for help with sources ...
The implementation of EU law in Belgium
27/04/2017 -
Patricia Popelier
Classificazione: General provisions - Art. 51 Scope
Issues related to the implementation of EU law in Belgium ...
The implementation of EU law in austrian legal system
27/04/2017 -
Marta Bertel
Classificazione: General provisions - Art. 51 Scope
Issues related to the implementation of EU law in Austria We thank Rivista Osservatorio for help with sources ...