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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Documents (09/11/2007) - Dichiarazione di Barcellona

Title: Dichiarazione di Barcellona

Date: 11/09/2007

Subject: The MEDEL judges and prosecutors (European Judges and Prosecutors for Democracy and Freedom) express their opinion on the Green Book regarding modernization of labour law in a synthetic “Declaration” in eighteen points.

Original language: Spanish

Classification: Equality - Art. 20 Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination - Solidarity - Art. 27 Worker’s rights: information - Worker’s rights: consultation - Art. 28 Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: organisation - Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: negotiations - Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: collective agreements - Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: collective actions - Rights of workers, employers and their organisations: strike

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