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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Notes & Comments (01/06/2021) - Comment to the ECHR decisions, case Centrum för rättvisa vs Sweden, 25 May 2021, claim n. 164/2021; ECHR, Grand Chamber, Big Brothers Watch and others vs the United Kingdom, 25 May 2021

Title: Comment to the ECHR decisions, case Centrum för rättvisa vs Sweden, 25 May 2021, claim n. 164/2021; ECHR, Grand Chamber, Big Brothers Watch and others vs the United Kingdom, 25 May 2021

Date: 06/01/2021

Subject: The Authors examine two decisions of the Grand Chamber in the matter of right to privacy and respect for private and family life

Original language: Italian

Classification: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Art. 8 Personal data: fairly processing - Personal data: consent

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