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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Notes & Comments (22/05/2020) - The preventive opinion of the ECHR and Italian law in the matter of surrogacy: a non-existent conflict or a conflict which was never solved by the Court of Cassation?

Title: The preventive opinion of the ECHR and Italian law in the matter of surrogacy: a non-existent conflict or a conflict which was never solved by the Court of Cassation?

Date: 05/22/2020

Subject: The Author comments a recent decision of the Italian Court of Cassation in the matter of surrogacy and the questionable reference to an opinion of the European Court of human Rights”. Our thanks to the online review Giustizia Insieme

Original language: Italian

Classification: Dignity - Art. 1 Human dignity - Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy

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