Relations (29/06/2008) - Social rights and flexicurity
Title: Social rights and flexicurity
Date: 06/29/2008
Subject: This article highlights the tension towards the strengthening of the protection of social rights considered fundamental in the European Union; such strengthening has been realized through the decisions of the Community case law and, with the Treaty of Lisbon, the probable recognition of the same juridical value to the Charter of Nice as to the treaties.
The Author proceeds to reconstruct the concept of flexicurity and points out the reasons for which Community Institutions employ such concept, which, in reality, conceals the attempt to compensate for the situation of stalemate of mandatory regulations, characterizing the present phase of European labour law.
Original language: Italian
Classification: Solidarity - Art. 31 Working conditions: healthy - Working conditions: safe - Working conditions: dignified - General provisions - Art. 51 Scope - Art. 52 Scope of guaranteed rights