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Other Acts - (18/09/2019)

Type: Acts of the European Union: Resolutions of the European Parliament

Authority: European Authorities - European Union: European Parliament

Date: 09/18/2019

Subject: The European Parliament believes that it is in the overwhelming interest of the UK, as well as of the EU, that the withdrawal of the UK from the EU takes place in an orderly way; it continues to believe that the Withdrawal Agreement, as the means to allow for such an orderly exit of the UK from the EU, is fair and balanced, while fully respecting both the UK’s ‘red lines’ and the EU’s principles; it notes that the value of the Withdrawal Agreement is that it provides legal certainty to all those affected by the withdrawal of the UK from the EU; it notes that the Political Declaration, setting out the framework for the future relationship between the EU and the UK, is in line with the European Parliament’s resolution of 14 March 2018 on the framework of the future EU-UK relationship, calling for an association agreement, as well as with the detailed input of its committees, and reflects the choices made by the UK regarding the scope and depth of its future relationship with the EU; it recalls that, in accordance with Article 50 TEU, in the absence of an agreement or an extension of the period referred to in Article 50(3) TEU, the Treaties will cease to apply to the UK from 1 November 2019; it stresses that should the UK withdraw from the EU without an agreement this would be entirely the responsibility of the UK Government; points out furthermore the implications such a ‘no-deal exit’ would have for the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland as well as for the operation and implementation of the Good Friday Agreement

Original language: Italian

Classification: General theme

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