Other Acts - (10/03/2008)
Type: Acts of the European Union: Annual Report 2007
Authority: European Authorities - European Union (European Ombudsman )
Date: 03/10/2008
Subject: The Ombudsman stated that the year 2007 was an important one for the European citizens' right to good administration. On 12 December, the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights was proclaimed again. The commitment to a legally binding Charter, contained in the Treaty of Lisbon, reflects a growing realisation that citizens should be placed at the centre of Europe's concerns.
Original language: English
Classification: Citizens’ rights - Art. 41 Right to good administration by the bodies of the union - Art. 43 Ombudsman of the union
Notices: The Ombudsman called upon the Charter many times, such as a point of reference for its action and as a groundbreaking istrument in recognising the right to a good administration as a fundamental right of the Union.