Case Law STC 31/2009 (29/01/2009)
Type: Judgment
Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (Hungary) - Tribunal Constitucional
Date: 01/29/2009
Subject: The Constitutional Court, also applying the jurisprudence of the Court of Strasbourg, has rejected the claim lodged by the political party Eusko Abertzale Ekintza/Acción Nacionalista Vasca (EAE/ANV) against the decision previously issued by the Tribunal Supremo, thus confirming the banishment of the party.
Parties: Partido político Eusko Abertzale Ekintza/Acción Nacionalista Vasca (EAE/ANV)
Original language: Spanish
Classification: Freedoms - Art. 10 Freedom of thought - Art. 11 Freedom of expression - Art. 12 Freedom of association