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Case Law [2010] IESC 303 JR (09/07/2010)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (Eire) - Supreme Court

Date: 07/09/2010

Subject: The Supreme Court judge on preliminary questions in the matter of subsidiary protection. The Court denies that the Regulations or the Directive give the Minister any discretionary power to re-open cases concerning requests for subsidiary protection, for which an order of expulsion had been issued before 10 October 2006 (date of adoption of such Regulations);

Parties: Enitan Pamela Izevbekhai, Naomi Alero Izevbekhai (a minor) and Jamima Temisanre Izevbekhai (a minor) (both suing by their mother and next friend Enita Pamela Izevbekhai) e the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform

Original language: Irish

Classification: Freedoms - Art. 18 Right to asylum - Art. 19 Expulsion - Extradition - Removal

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