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Observatoire Européen sur le respect des droits fondamentaux

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Jurisprudence 38411/02 (07/06/2007)

Type: Arrêt

Autorité: Autorités européennes: Cour européenne des droits de l'homme

Date: 07/06/2007

Objet: Prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment on account of the applicant’s extradition to Turkmenistan, right to liberty and security in respect of the applicant’s detention prior to extradition, right to have lawfulness of detention decided speedily by a court) in respect of the availability of judicial review of detention pending extradition, right to be brought promptly before a judge in respect of the failure to bring the applicant promptly before a judge after his return from Turkmenistan right to an effective remedy

Parties: Garabaiev c/ Russia

Classification: Dignité - Art. 4 Torture - Peines inhumains - Peines dégradantes - Traitements inhumains - Traitements dégradantes - Liberté - Art. 6 Liberté - Sûreté - Justice - Art. 47 Droit à un recours effectif devant un tribunal