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Observatoire Européen sur le respect des droits fondamentaux

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Jurisprudence Affaires jointes C-422/09, C-425/09 et 426/09 (02/12/2010)

Type: Arrêt

Autorité: Autorités européennes: Cour de Justice des Communautés européennes

Date: 02/12/2010

Objet: The Court affirmed that A national authority responsible for recognition of professional qualifications acquired in another Member State is bound, pursuant to European Union law, to take into account, when setting any supplementary requirements to compensate for substantial differences between the education and training undertaken by an applicant and the education and training required in the host Member State, all practical experience which, in whole or in part, covers those differences.

Parties: Vassiliki Stylianou Vandorou, Vassilios Alexandrou Giankoulis, Ioannis Georgiou Askoxilakis

Classification: Citoyenneté - Art. 45 Liberté de circulation

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