Other Decisions The Advisory Opinion OC-24/17 (24/11/2017)
Authority: American Commission on Human rights
Date: 11/24/2017
Subject: The Advisory Opinion of the Inter-American Courts of Human Rights on “Identidad de Género e Igualdad y no Discriminación a parejas del mismo sexo”, requested by the Republic of Costa Rica, established that the change of the name and of the public registries and identity documents, in virtue of the self-perceived gender identity, is a right recognized by the Convention, and that the Convention protects the family deriving from same-sex couples, to whom the States must recognize and guarantee all the rights descending from the recognition of such family, as well as the access to all rights provided for by the national legal systems
Parties: República de Costa Rica
Original language: Spanish
Classification: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Art. 9 Right to marry - Right to found a family - Equality - Art. 20 Equality - Art. 21 Non discrimination