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European Observer on fundamental right's respect

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Case Law 26/2023 (16/02/2023)

Type: Judgment

Authority: National Courts Constitutional Court (Belgio)

Date: 02/16/2023

Subject: The decision of the Constitutional Court, annulled certain articles of the decree of the Flemish Community of 18 December 2020, which introduced some measures due to COVID-19 pandemic, for the violation of the norms of the (EU) Regulation 2016/679 (General Regulation on data protection)

Parties: Jens Hermans et autres, Karin Verelst, Maarten Roels et autres et ASBL « Association de Promotion des Droits Humains et des Minorités »

Original language: Belgian

Classification: Freedoms - Art. 7 Privacy - Art. 8 Personal data: fairly processing - Personal data: consent - Personal data: access

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