Case Law 13/2016 (27/01/2016)
Type: Judgment
Authority: National Courts: Supreme Courts (Belgium) - Cour Constitutionnelle
Date: 01/27/2016
Subject: The decision of the Constitutional Court on the legitimacy of the claim in the matter of asylum, as introduced by the law of 10 April 2014, which recalls the norms of the ECHR, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and EU law and applies the jurisprudence of the Courts of Strasbourg and Luxembourg
Parties: «Orde van Vlaamse balies» et Dirk Chabot et Ordre des barreaux francophones et germanophone, ASBL «Ligue des Droits de l’Homme» et ASBL «Syndicat des Avocats pour la Démocratie»
Original language: Belgian
Classification: Art. 18 Right to asylum - Art. 19 Expulsion - Extradition - Justice - Art. 47 Right to an effective remedy before a tribunal